Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Astrology and Tarot from two grounded Earth signs! We're here to show you the energies so you can embrace them in your own way!
In this episode:
If you listened to our previous episode "Gaining Light" then you'll know we covered the very busy astrology + tarot for the first half of 2024. Today's new episode is just in time to guide you through the second half of the year. In this deeply insightful episode, Emily and Andrea dive into the significant cosmic shifts awaiting us from July to December 2024. They discuss the transition from Gaining Light to Inviting Shadow as we approach the halfway point in the year. From examining personal and collective challenges to finding our guiding lights and integrating wisdom, your favorite grounded earth signs explore how to navigate through eclipses, retrogrades, and significant planetary shifts. Key highlights include the importance of inner child healing, the impact of Pluto moving into Aquarius, and how to stay grounded during turbulent times.
For Inviting Shadow, Emily explores how planetary movements will influence our emotions, relationships, and collective consciousness during this period, highlighting the need for balance, inner reflection, and decisive action. The tarot forecast that Andrea shares emphasizes the themes of releasing old patterns, embracing inner light, and the importance of community in navigating the turbulent cosmic energies ahead. As they guide listeners through the months ahead, they stress the necessity for personal responsibility and the power of collective action to forge a path forward in these transformative times. Tune in for guidance on how to move forward with intention and purpose while embracing both light and shadow
PDF Overview of Inviting Shadow
The first half of the year was overwhelming with all of the transformation and turbulence in Eclipse season, so it is hard to remember what we were even expecting without revisiting the Gaining Light episode. To make this forecast easier to digest, Emily and Andrea have created a PDF document to capture the highlights of this episode as a reference for the next six months! Newsletter subscribers will have the first peek before it is released as a download for the Summer Solstice on June 21. You are always welcome to share what resonates, what inspires, and what you’d like to hear!
Main Takeaways:
Recap of Gaining Light
The Essence of Inviting Shadow
Lessons from Eclipse Season
January-June Tarot Recap
July (Ace of Wands) - Emphasis on sacred insights, creativity, and transitions during Cancer and Leo
Mercury and Venus enter Leo, inspiring creative inspiration and amplifying desires for expression.
Mars enters Gemini and Mercury enters Virgo, balancing out of the box thinking with practical ideas.
August (Eight of Cups) - Release, grief, emotional transitions and personal empowerment.
Mercury goes retrograde, causing potential miscommunications and delays.
Venus moves from Virgo to Libra, transitioning from making emotions practical to supporting balanced relationships.
September (14 Temperance) - Creating sustainable routines to prepare for finding stability amidst chaos.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn focuses on final inspections of authority and structures.
Partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18th, highlighting emotional and spiritual insights.
October (9 The Hermit) - Lighting the path forward together and maintaining individual and collective light.
Libra new moon annual solar eclipse on October 2nd, urging clear decision-making.
Jupiter retrograde slows down communication and Pluto goes direct through its final degrees in Capricorn.
November (8 of Wands) - Fast-paced changes and the importance of seizing opportunities and staying connected through shared efforts.
Saturn goes direct in Pisces on November 15th, asking for greater responsibility in unseen areas.
Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th, marking the start of a new era.
Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 27th, re-evaluating beliefs and perspectives.
December (5 Hierophant) - No direct answers from Spirit, only key questions for introspection and maintaining focus on guiding principles.
Sagittarius new moon on December 1st, prompting risk-taking and stepping outside comfort zones.
Chiron goes direct in Aries on December 29th, focusing on individual healing.
Capricorn new moon on December 30th, setting practical intentions for the future.
Emphasizing the importance of staying grounded, staying informed, and continuing to integrate shadow and light.
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